It's funny how well plans of mine seem to play out. I thought I was ready to get back into everything, jump in head first and kick ass.

Turns out I was wrong. The long silence (multiple ones at that) from the blog could be blamed on many things, but the one thing that I think it really came down to was being unhappy with myself.

My Ph.D. was not going great, my dreams of working in the lab and visiting sites were slipping into a research plan that never had a chance. Looking at myself in pictures and all I saw was a person I was unhappy with. My weight, my body shape, just me, in general, turned into something that I was unhappy about.

Well while I thought I was ready to step back into the blog world, the 'your life is together' world, I was mistaken.

It has been 4 months now of me working on myself, my Ph.D., my happiness and I would like to think that I have finally got my life back on a path that I am happy with.

I have been going to the gym, working out, eating better(ish) and trying to maintain a more active lifestyle. This led to me just being happier in my own skin.

I have finally reorganized my Ph.D. project into something that 'will contribute to the overall knowledge of my field'. I even managed to share my new research twice at conferences, both with overwhelming support from experts in my field.

While I am still not where I want to be, I am getting there. I am happy with the progress that I have made over the last few months and I can't wait to see how things continue to progress over time.

With this whole post, what I really want to say is that I am back. I am planning on sharing my life as a misguided Ph.D. student, my life as a person trying to be happy in their own skin and someone who plans on getting their act back together.

Hello and welcome back to ChemGradBoom.

 A blog full of nonsense ranging from the life of a student who doesn't know when to stop, a person who moved to Scotland on a whim (and dreams of being a conservation scientist) and a person who is know taking life one coffee at a time (or on most day 3 or 4).